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Roller Conveyors
Gravity & Powered
Designed and built inside our company
Our Roller Conveyors (Gravity or Powered) have the following characteristics:
Solid construction;
Available with PVC or Bright Zinc Rollers;
Easy running rollers;
Available with special rubber sleeve (to dampen the noise created by the impact of the baggage onto the rollers);
Available in powder painted finish, stainless steel or galvanized (for special requirements).
Either we talk about the primary screening area for the passengers or we talk about the Baggage Handling System there are areas where Roller Conveyors are required for manual transfer of baggages or accumulation.



Roller Conveyors - CITCOnveyors - Airport Conveyor
Roller Conveyors - CITCOnveyors - Airport Conveyor

Watch our Airports video
Types of roller conveyors:
Gravity or Powered (geared);
Straight or inclined;
Used for primary screening of passengers and hand baggage;
Used for accumulation at the end of the lines.
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